
There is always room for improvement. I am dedicated to constantly developing my knowledge & skills in order to be better able to serve my clients.

IPLAW1x: Intellectual Property Law and Policy:
Part 1

In this course learners will be introduced to a broad overview of the intellectual property laws, the theory underpinning this area of law, and an individual look at patent law.


Overview and Theory of Intellectual Property Law

How Patent Law Works

Some Policy Implications of Intellectual Property

See Certificate

See Certificate

Solid Edge ST10 Certified Professional

Solid Edge users who have built up a high level of skills and experience with Solid Edge can take an online examination and qualify as a Solid Edge Certified Professional. This significant qualification offers recognition for capabilities designing best-in-class products with Solid Edge.


Proven Skills

Advanced Knowledge

Meets Professional Standards

Solid Edge Certified Associate II

The Associate Level II exam is longer and contains more challenging modeling questions than the Level I exam.


Intermediate Skills

Core Knowledge

Meets University Standards

See Certificate

See Certificate

Solid Edge Certified Associate I

The Associate Level I exam tests the fundamentals of using Solid Edge requiring the use of synchronous or ordered modeling techniques.


Fundamental Skills

Foundation Knowledge

Machine Design
Part I

In this first course, you will learn robust analysis techniques to predict and validate design performance and life. We will start by reviewing critical material properties in design, such as stress, strength, and the coefficient of thermal expansion. We then transition into static failure theories such as von Mises theory, which can be utilized to prevent failure in static loading applications such as the beams in bridges. Finally, we will learn fatigue failure criteria for designs with dynamic loads, such as the input shaft in the transmission of a car.


Static Failure Theories

Fatigue Failure Theories

Stress Concentration Factors

See Certificate

See Certificate

Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Stress Transformations, Beams, Columns, and Cellular Solids

This course provides an introduction to the mechanical behavior of materials, from both the continuum and atomistic points of view. At the continuum level, we learn how forces and displacements translate into stress and strain distributions within the material. At the atomistic level, we learn the mechanisms that control the mechanical properties of materials. Examples are drawn from metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, biomaterials, composites and cellular materials.


Stress Transformations

Beam Bending

Column Buckling

Certified Solidworks Professional - Core (CSWP)

A Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional is an individual who has successfully passed our advanced skills examination. Each CSWP has proven their ability to design and analyze parametric parts and moveable assemblies using a variety of complex features in SOLIDWORKS software.


Part Modeling & Modification Using the History Tree

Creating & Changing Configurations

Assembly Modelling

See Certificate

See Certificate

Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)

Earners of the globally-recognized Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) have demonstrated that they possess the knowledge in the principles and terminology of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Earners are able to apply the knowledge to on-the-job experiences that develop growing levels of competence in the practice of project management.


Risk Management

Cost Management

Time Management

Communications Management

Quality Management

Integration Management

Scope Management

HR Management

Project Management Process

Graduate Certificate in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

(NFQ Level 9)

Delivered through activity-based learning experiences, Innovation Academy modules have been developed to enable students to cultivate their creativity in a stimulating team-based environment. Fostered in a uniquely cross-disciplinary, mutil-national and vibrant community, graduates will develop complimentary skill-sets to their profession.


Design Thinking

User-centered Design

Problem solving

Creative thinking

Team development

Entrepreneurship education

Development of transferable & soft skills

See Certificate

See Certificate

Certifificate in Industrial Automation

(NFQ Level 6)

Practical course in the design, construction and faultfinding of pneumatic systems, programmable control systems & electrical/electronic control systems.


Pneumatic Systems

Electro-pneumatic Systems

Programmable Control Systems (PLC)

Electrical / Electronic Control Systems

Engineers Ireland Member


Being a member assures your clients, the public and your peers of your ability to deliver professional engineering services. Working towards attaining your Professional Title will indicate to employers your commitment to excellence in your field.


Meets Education Standard

Engineers Ireland Code of Ethics

Continuous Professional Development

See Certificate